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TV Networks, Radio (Talk Shows) & Podcasts
* Community * FUN * Empowerment
Going Solo & BOLD!
Join us "LIVE on Roku" We have our own app
NEW Streaming TV!


TV Channels &
more to come!
Syndicated Broadcast Distribution Network
6,000,000+ Million Listeners - Featuring Radio, TV & Podcasts
from around the world...
Home of GoingSoloMedia.com, GoingBoldMedia.com,
Going Solo Network, Going BOLD Connection,
My Friends Connect Community &
WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, TV & Podcasts
We connect in many ways....
Welcome to NEW Streaming Network.com - Non-Stop Entertainment Worldwide Streaming Network! We're the #1 Interactive Relatable Worldwide Live-Streaming Talk Network exclusively for singles and those who embrace Going BOLD in life!
Join our vibrant community exclusively for those who want to connect, make friendships and continue personal growth in their lives. Enjoy unlimited talk shows on a wide range of topics tailored just for you, plus, we have music simply for enjoyment!
Learn from our expert show hosts, djs and guests as they share valuable insights every week on
NEWStreamingNetwork.com, the home of GoingSoloNetwork.com, GoingSoloMedia.com, GoingBoldMedia.com, WGSN-DB Radio and My Friends Connect Community.
We can't wait to connect with you so get ready for an exciting and relatable streaming experience!

"Don't just live your life, LOVE your life!"

We Hear YOU... See YOU .... & Understand
What you're going through
Relationships are Puzzling...
Understanding and Redefining Your Life & Business
Here is more to help you...
• Get tailored advice and understanding from a caring community
• Find helpful insights and solutions to complicated relationships
or business issues
• Take advantage of access to exclusive resources that will improve your life
• Connect with like-minded people who have had similar experiences
• Receive personalized guidance from qualified experts
Sign up for our FREE publications
Weekly Newsletter & Monthly "Talker"


TV Streaming Networks...

On occasion some shows may be TV-MA (mature audience only – may be unsuitable for children under 18). The content-based descriptors, which are included in the ratings where appropriate, are: S (sexual content); D (suggestive dialogue); and L (strong language in programming)

6,000,000+ Listeners
Why we are different...
Syndication - 46 Countries, all 50 States and on over 56 various platforms!
NEW Streaming Network - Home of ...
WGSN-DB Going Solo Network (Going Solo Network) internet streaming radio and TV is different from most stations. We are built and supported by a strong USA - International Internet Singles Community and those who are "going bold".
As we all know, we use the internet each and every day. We connect on our cell phones, ipads, computers, at home and yes today even in our cars! (AM/FM is the vinyl/film of yesterday). The pandemic has certainly shown us the value of the internet as we now turn towards it's use even more.
WGSN-DB Going Solo Network (Going Solo Network) TV, Podcasts & Radio is not only a pioneer we are the front runner and the #1 Internet Talk Network.
Going Solo Media.com has marked a new path into internet streaming TV whereas they broadcast "LIVE" on Facebook, YouTube & Linkedin along with Amazon TV and Roku channels. Going Solo TV, Going Bold TV (Inspiration), Everyday Life TV (Faith, Spiritual & Life), Going Solo with Cece TV (Divorce, Dating & Relationship Building) and Going Solo Veterans Corner TV (embracing Veterans).
This USA - International Internet Community connects other like-minded people coping with the devastation feelings of divorce and/or separation of relationship loss, transition into dating, dating, singles’ in business, and business development, products, services, goodreads and community involvement.
With our Pay-it-Forward Method we connect through talk shows, events and online support. This Global Community shares their journeys, expressing emotions in an adult environment with those who understands life's challenges.
Our main focus is for connection with supportive conversations and discussions to embrace personal growth and development both individual and professionally. Creating a great environment to get through the rough spots of life. We embrace the present, give comfort as new friends and advice in all the different stages of Life!

How could syndication benefit you?
Imagine having your own
Radio Show - Be a DJ
Podcast Show - Podcaster
TV Show - Be a Host
Special Guest Appearance - Elite Guest
Featured in a Worldwide Directory
Over the years we have certainly had the privilege of meeting and chatting with some exceptional individuals who are Leaders in their field. These are our Elite "Featured" Guests who continue to support, contribute and give of their expertise in their industry and to our Going Solo/Going Bold Community.